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  1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Perlick 630SS Faucet

    The most important result of a beer or wine faucet is getting a perfect pour. This maximizes the return on your beer and wine investment, and it keeps your customers happy. But how does a faucet help deliver these results?


    Perlick's 630SS Forward Sealing Faucet utilizes a revolutionary ball and floating front seal design to prevent beer and wine from being exposed to air. The handle lever doesn't stick, and there is no mold or bacteria buildup within the body of the faucet. In addition, a more vertical spout angle allows thorough draining after each pour, meaning there's no horizontal area for beer to collect.


    The 630SS Forward Sealing Faucet from Perlick is constructed with 304 sanitary stainless steel that won't pit or tarnish. Its polished interior provides smooth flow, less agitation, and less foaming. It works for wine as well as beer and won't taint the flavor of either. As for maintenance,

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  2. The Perlick Faucet that Wins the Awards

    The Perlick Faucet that Wins the Awards

    650SS Forward Sealing Flow Control Faucet Wins 2014 GOOD DESIGN™ Award

    gooddesignlogo.83ca67cf3c3861e0e240beb4316b6f121Every year, the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies review several thousand product designs and graphics from more than 48 different countries in search of recipients for their GOOD DESIGN™ Awards. In 2014, the Perlick 650SS Forward Sealing Flow Control Faucet was one of these winners.

    The GOOD DESIGN program is focused on quality designs tha

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